Too Lazy to Read the Paper

Rosemary Braun - It's Physics All the Way Down

Sune Lehmann Season 2 Episode 2

Today's guest is Rosemary Braun, an associate professor at the Department of Molecular Biosciences at Northwestern University.

Rosemary works at the interface between mathematics, statistics, physics, and biology, where she develops and applies powerful computational methods to investigate living systems at multiple scales — from the atomic level, to the gene level, to the systems level, to the tissue/organismal level, and finally to the population level.  

We talk abou her 2018 paper "Universal method for robust detection of circadian state from gene expression" (1).



(1) Rosemary Braun, William L. Kath, Marta Iwanaszko, Elzbieta Kula-Eversole, Sabra M. Abbott, Kathryn J. Reid, Phyllis C. Zee, and Ravi Allada.  Universal method for robust detection of circadian state from gene expression.