Too Lazy to Read the Paper
In this podcast the author explains a paper to me, your host, Professor Sune Lehmann (https://sunelehmann.com). The participants are authors of a paper in network science or data science. Sometimes I feature a group of co-authors! The intended audience is PhD students, PostDocs and other scientists. The idea is to start with a bit about the paper's author, the idea for the paper. Then talk about the research itself. And we’ll end by gossiping about the reviewing process, etc. The whole thing is based on the idea that papers are so formal. And that when two people talk to each other informally, it’s often more fun – and tends to get ideas across more effectively.
20 episodes
David Lazer - The Extremely Early Mover
I am super excited to have David Lazer (1,2) on the pod today. David Lazer needs no introduction. But here at lazypod we’re polite, so he get’s one anyway. David Lazer is a University Distinguished Professor of Political S...
Season 2
Episode 10

Brennan Klein - Teleology, Perception, Complex Systems
Holy cow, it was great to chat with Brennan Klein (1). It’s another renaissance person on the Pod. In his research, Brennan attempts to understand how complex systems are able to represent, predict, and intervene on their surroundings a...
Season 2
Episode 9

Erik Hoel - Letting the Creative Rivers Run Free
Today we’re in for something a little bit different. Our guest is “Erik Hoel”, who’s not only a scientist, but also an exciting writer of books and essays. I read his fantastic first book “The Revelations” (1,2) last winters … and when I visite...
Season 2
Episode 8

Laura Alessandretti - The Deep Power of Programming
Today on the Pod we are lucky to have Laura Alessandretti (1) visiting us.Laura is an Assistant Professor in Modelling of Human Dynamics at the Technical University of Denmark. She is interested in Computational Social Science, Data Sci...
Season 2
Episode 7

Esteban Moro - Collaborating with the Competition
Hey Everyone, Today, we have another amazing guest. It’s Esteban Moro (1)!Esteban is a researcher, data scientist and professor at Universidad Carlos III (UC...
Season 2
Episode 6

Baruch Barzel - Doesn’t Need an Agent!
Today’s guest on the pod is Baruch Barzel (1).Baruch has a wikipedia page (2), which summarizes his work very nicely. It says that he’s known for his work in the research of complex and stochastic systems, specifically on stochastic mom...
Season 2
Episode 5

Piotr Sapiezynski - Explaining the Filter Bubble!
Today’s guest on the pod is Piotr Sapiezynski!Piotr (1) is an Associate Research Scientist at Northeastern University in Boston, MA.My interview with Piotr is part two of my three part series on of algorithms & filter bubble...
Season 2
Episode 4

Aniko Hannak - The Path to Complexity and Beyond
Today’s guest is Aniko Hannak. But for reasons I forgot to ask her in the podcast, everyone calls her Ancsa.Anyway, Ansca is an Assistant Professor at the computer science department of the Universi...
Season 2
Episode 3

Rosemary Braun - It's Physics All the Way Down
Today's guest is Rosemary Braun, an associate professor at the Department of Molecular Biosciences at Northwestern University.Rosemary works at the interface between mathematics, statistics, physics, and biology, where she develops and a...
Season 2
Episode 2

Tina Eliassi-Rad - Dark Side of the Moon
It's a new season! And LazyPod is back with a strong line-up of guests. Today on the pod, for the inaugural episode of season 2, is Tina Eliassi-Rad. Tina is an incredibly accomplished scientist. She is a Professor of Computer S...
Season 2
Episode 1

Too Lazy to Read the Book: Episode 10 with Dashun Wang
It’s Episode 10 and season finale time. But not to worry, #LazyPod will be back after the summer break.Today on the pod is Dashun Wang! Dashun is an Associate Professor and the Founding Director of the Center for Science of...
Season 1
Episode 10

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 9 with Marta Sales-Pardo and Roger Guimera
Today on the pod is Marta Sales-Pardo & Roger Guimera.What a great talk. We could have gone on for hours. Peer review, power-laws, becoming scientists, Bayesian statistics, and much, much more.Marta and Roger study fundament...
Season 1
Episode 9

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 8 with Martin Rosvall
Big talk on the pod today. My guest is Martin Rosvall. A network science legend. The creator of the InfoMap community detection algorithm (1).Martin’s group (2) studies information flows through social and biological systems to understa...
Season 1
Episode 8

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 7 with Alice Schwarze
Today on the Pod is Alice Schwarze. We talk about Alice’s paper "Motifs for processes on networks". Super exciting work! Before we get to the paper, we also talk about memes, how to get into Oxford, and being a young researcher today. ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 6 with Gourab Ghoshal and Petter Holme
I’ve got a treat for you today. Today’s author’s are Gourab Ghoshal and Petter Holme, who are here to talk about a classic paper. A paper they co-authored and published in PRL in 2006. The paper has a fantastic title, which is basically al...
Season 1
Episode 6

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 5 with Renaud Lambiotte
Today’s guest is Renaud Lambiotte Renaud is an associate professor at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University, investigating processes taking place on large networks.In the episode, we talk about his story in scienc...
Season 1
Episode 5

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 4 with Leidy Klotz
Today’s guest, Leidy Klotz, is a professor at the University of Virginia. He studies the science of design: how we transform things from how they are - to how we want them to be. Leidy wants to apply his work outside of academia:. He wants addr...
Season 1
Episode 4

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 3 with Dirk Brockmann
Via the response to the first couple of episodes I realized that not only my science-friends listen to the podcast, but many other people.So while I want to keep this part short, I should probably provide a short intro to present the in...
Season 1
Episode 3

Too Lazy to Read the Paper. Episode 2 with Roberta Sinatra
This time we meet with physicist, expert on science of succes, and all-round amazing person, Roberta Sinatra. She talks about her recent paper "Success and luck in creative careers" (1). Along the way, we talk about her academic background, ear...
Season 1
Episode 2

Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 1 with Marta C. González
This inaugural episode features physicist and transportation scientist Marta C. González (UC Berkeley) [1] explaining her paper "The TimeGeo modeling framework for urban mobility without travel surveys" (PNAS September 13, 2016 113 (37) E5370-E...
Season 1
Episode 1